Tuesday, April 14, 2020

The craziness that is normal now

So right after my last blog post, we started quarantine from the CoronaVirus. We cancelled school until May 1, we only go to the store for essential items and all the places we would have gone for entertainment are closed. We cancelled what would have been the twins first beach trip- and that breaks my heart. We did however get creative with theme days at home, got outside to soak up the sunshine and saved a few bucks because there is no where to go and do fun stuff. 
The school year has now been cancelled at the actual building and non-traditional instruction is going through May 21st- which is our new last day of school. 
This world has gone bananas, and it's probably going to get crazier before we get back to any kind of normal. 

So our crazy here is well.... crazier- but at least we've been expecting it. 
Let me just tell ya one thing though- THEY TRICKED ME. 
They were sleeping through the night for at least 2 and a half weeks. Then quarantine happened and that was out the window! We kept their sleep schedule exactly the same and yeeeeeeet, no more awesome sleeping. They are both back to waking up multiple times a night. On a good night (rare) they will each just wake up once and that is better than 3 and 4 times, so I'll take it!!

Miles took off crawling shortly after they turned 8 months and a week later, Callie decided it didn't look too hard. They are both cruising with confidence. Miles is pulling up and acting like he is big stuff now. So maybe all the moving and grooving will wear them out enough to sleep during the night? 
Oh, and teeth! Callie now has 4 teeth up top, 4 on the bottom and Miles has 1 on top and 2 on the bottom. 

We won't weigh in until April 22nd, so we will see exactly how heavy they are then. Here's what I know though- they are basically eating the same meals as Lucy. I'm not sure how that happened...but they eat just about anything and everything. Healthy babies. So don't believe them when they say they are starving. (Miles 23lbs, Callie 21lbs)
   We are also hearing a lot more "almost words" from them! Mama, Dada, and I swear Callie said stop the other day! 
I call Callie "wild child" and Miles is "Monster Miles" so that pretty much describes our life now.