Monday, February 25, 2019

17 and 3

     I can breathe easy for another couple weeks. The relief should last longer this time.... yet the worry and the fear were almost at higher level for this appointment than others. It's a time to enjoy the lack of nausea and prepare for being uncomfortable and yet, its the hardest time because I have no evidence that everything is okay. Well, almost no evidence- I haven't felt them yet. The nausea is gone. But I am growing! So there's the proof. ;)
     We MADE it! 17 weeks and 3 days and both babies have healthy heartbeats. One was 148 and the other 153! We were scheduled for just a regular check in and we were lucky enough to get an ultrasound, because, well, twins. We were a couple minutes early with no one before us with an ultrasound appointment. I asked very nicely if finding out genders could be in the plan and the ultrasound tech was more than willing to try. And she tried and tried and tried. I laughed at first because she was shaking those babies up trying to get them to show off. My laughed trailed off as I began feeling like a punching bag. She tried. They both kept those legs closed tight. She almost thought she knew for baby A but couldn't be sure. She actually claimed one gender, then the other, then didn't know, then back to the first guess. Baby B was not having it. No cooperation. So basically, we are right where we were.We have zero confidence in the guesses. I asked if it was because there were two and she said, they aren't big enough to run into each other... it was just them not playing along. Ugh. 
     The relief from hearing that all looks good and hearing those heartbeats is indescribable though. 
     So to find out genders, we wait. We have an hour booked at the next appointment for the anatomy scan. So an hour to poke and prod and refuse to take 'no' for an answer! 

    We started getting ready anyway. The "brown" guest room is now green. The crib has been reassembled. The dresser that was once brown is now white. We are just getting started. All with Lucy's help of course, although she still has no idea. We've got plenty of time for that. <3

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Waiting on our next appointment.....

If we were cute... and if we were normal, haha! We would've used a cutesy little announcement like this. So why not, right? <3 

Technically, the due date given to us from Dr Krause at our fertility specialists is August 2nd. My regular doctor, who will be delivering the babies suggested making it until 38 weeks then seeing what  happens. That would put us at the end of July (20-ish) but with two, who knows what's going to happen! We are planning on July for now, unless they are like Lucy- then I'll be pregnant forever. As of right now, we do not know gender! Crazy to think that at this time with Lucy (15 weeks) we knew what we were having and had a name picked out and ready. 
This go round....we aren't scheduling an early gender ultrasound. Also, we have ZERO names picked out. 
I have an appointment February 25th and I will be 17 weeks and 3 days. There is a possibility, since I get an ultrasound at every appointment- we may be able to tell...maybe...if the ultrasound tech is feeling helpful...haha! 
For sure though (as long as everyone cooperates) we will know by March 15th. I have an anatomy scan for my 20 week appointment and they will be looking at all the pieces and parts and counting toes and fingers. We will definitely know by spring break! 
Then the fun begins! Names, another crib, clothes, diapers, all the things! 
Isn't this the truest statement!
As for now, I am done throwing up! My energy is coming back although I love naps so much! I have hit this sweet spot of not yet bumping totally out but also not feeling anything yet. The itching continues! I do feel like it’s much less frequent, but once the hives start- it’s like my skin is on fire.  It worries me sometimes that I can forget I'm pregnant. It worries me when I don't have symptoms but then I am thankful not to be nauseous and totally exhausted. And then I worry some more. 
This is my kind of Valentine. This is for all my TTC friends! <3

When you get to Gran's, you take over Dallas' seat and enjoy your blueberry muffin. 

And in Lucy-ville, all is well. She is on the go, even with a snotty nose. She's constantly singing and dancing around. Remember when she refused to go to bed? Turns out that was just a minor 3 night inconvenience. Tonight she even told me,"See you in the morning!" All it took (as of right now) was one night of ignoring the tiny demands and not going into her room to pacify or respond to her. Since then, no problems. 
She sweetly told me the other day, "When you get widdle, you can sit in the bathtub and I'll wash your hair!" So sweet, right? Hehe! She is SUPER into Daniel Tiger right now..which is wholesome and innocent, so go ahead little lady.  
Still no idea of what's to come and we will see just how long we can let it go. She is super eager to paint the nursery! We got green paint to cover the brown and she's asking every day to help paint! We will see how that plays out as well.... 

In case you didn't know, Zesto is OPEN. Just in time if you ask me!