Friday, June 10, 2016

Third trimester...What?!?

     You's here. Officially on week 28 of making this miracle. It's the third trimester and I am feeling awesome! 
     I went in today for my glucose test, and it's really not bad at all! This is the second one I've had and it really does taste like melted lime popsicles. YUM!  And the bloodwork, no big thing. I am measuring exactly as I should, and Lucy's heartbeat is strong in the 150s. We are "counting kicks" now. It's a wonderful game, I am to feel for 10 kicks in a 2-hour span. So far, that is not hard for her to fit in. She is not a fan of me laying on my left side, so if I want to feel her- that's all I have to do. Some nights, all I have to do is try to sleep. ; ) It really is the coolest thing to have that evidence that she is there and she is active. She is also providing much evidence in the size of my belly that she is GROWING! I've never been a small gal but I'm having to try a couple of outfits until I am comfortable... Really though, that is the only thing I've had to change. No silly cravings, no mood swings, no pregnancy brain...yet. In fact, I am rocking this summer vacation by preparing my maternity plans for school. I have finished planning through quarter 2 and my room is ready for my new second graders! (So maybe the nesting thing is real...)

     The second trimester flew on by and I know that I am very lucky to be so comfortable with pregnancy. I am loving it and I am thankful. I am still mowing grass, cleaning the garage, installing faucets, and going on summer time adventures! I've even stuck with pre-natal yoga classes that are super relaxing. In fact, I am on my way to Orlando for a week long conference to learn more about Conscious Discipline. What better time to learn more about conflict resolution, social skills, and self awareness than now? I am a fan of conscious discipline in my classroom, so I want to see how I can use it with my little one someday! 

   We go back at the very end of June to get another ultrasound and then appointments are every two weeks, which is definitely my style. We've picked a pediatrician and we've talked about delivery although no plan is set in stone and I am okay with that! (Well I will be, I will.) Keep sending those positive thoughts out and never hesitate to ask if you have any questions! Or if you have have any advice,  I love advice. Any help is appreciated. :)  Love!