Sunday, May 19, 2019

Third trimester!!!

Lucy is ready for summer, how about you? This kid could live outside with no problem. She craves nature, relaxes in the grass and lives to go to playgrounds!  She's definitely going to wear me out this summer. 

This. This is how I am already feeling. I cannot even imagine a few weeks from now....but at least the itching is minimal! So little, I often forget about getting welts from a little scratching. I HAVE to have Zesto's little pellet ice, it's kind of ridiculous but I buy a couple cups every day so I can take a cup to school in the morning. It is the best thing ever. I think the staff at Zesto is actually getting annoyed with me.... haha!

As for me and the babies! My last appointment was to do the glucose test. It might be weird that I really don't mind the lemon-lime flavored juice...its tasty...
I was diagnosed with strep throat just hours after the glucose test and was worried it would affect the results. If it did, it was in my favor! I passed! 
With Lucy, I didn't pass the one hour test and had to go back and do the three hour test. I am thrilled to have passed the one hour test this go round! 
So that was May 2nd, two weeks ago. This appointment (May 16th), we listened to heartbeats. His was 159 and hers was 154. They are both laying sideways, back in that "ying yang" position. I am definitely feeling movement from both babies! They usually take turns, but it is mostly her punching and kicking. Every once in a while, someone sits just right to where I struggle to get a deep breath or talk without trying to catch my breath. Super fun and I know Lucy didn't give me this kind of trouble. 

Both baby quilts are officially finished! Ready to snuggle!

So we are ready (kind of) to share names. Now, really anything could change- it won't- but it could. This time was so tough!! Between having to pick FOUR names and comparing it to having Lucy's name ready for yeeeaarrss, this was hard work. Sooo in that spirit, we are not asking for approval and we don't want to know if your brother's cousin's neighbor's dog has the same name, hahahahaha! We know other people exist with these names, we also know that in our circle-neighborhood-family... no one close to us shares these names. 

The growth of these tiny embryos is amazing!!
From 5 day old blastocysts to 29 weeks!!
I love that we have photos from their very first existence all the way up to when they stopped fitting in ultrasound photos together. 

The room is also officially finished! Names are up and quilts are finished- all we need now is to get baby monitors ordered and up! 

Friday, May 3, 2019

Twenty seven weeks!

      With two more appointments down from the last update, and so many more to go! We are visiting the doctor every two weeks now. 
I have "graduated" from the Maternal Fetal Medicine office in Louisville- although they shared they would gladly see me again to watch these babies grow! :) 

     While I checked in there, the ultrasound tech was having fun looking at baby girl with the 3d/4d ultrasounds. Baby boy was too far down and facing the wrong direction to get a good view. The babes are currently weighing in at 2 lbs 1 oz(boy) and 2 lbs 5 oz(girl) & heartbeats of 153 for him and 148 for her- which was on May 23- so they are bigger now! They are growing well and looking good! 

    I visited my regular doctor (well, the nurse practitioner) yesterday and drank that delicious lemon lime glucose juice! I also got ultrasound pics but they are terrible and I am not sure why the tech even printed them.... Heartbeats were 155 for him and 154 for her. She also commented, "Wow, baby B sure is active!" And I wholeheartedly agree!! We will get the test results back soon, but I am not too excited to hear results. After leaving the office, I went home and fell asleep and let Matt pick Lucy up from moms. When I woke up, I visited Urgent Care to be diagnosed with strep. I barely opened my mouth when the doctor said, "Oh yea, you have an infection." :( 
So, while I am quarantined to avoid infecting the whole family- I blog. And sleep. And I cut pieces for the baby quilts! 


And the ice obsession starts again. Nothing compares to Zesto's ice!

Last week

Decided to get all cutesy this round. Matching swaddles and robe.
 We are about to be so color coordinated! And there's a big ol' belly. 

    Last week was National Infertility Week. It still seems surreal that I am able to be pregnant again when the odds are definitely not in our favor. It's taken a lot to get here and we've had so much help and support along the way. I still wish infertility and loss were talked about more, but I do think we are helping make that happen. 
I collected as many Think Positive pictures that I could find from every step of the way! This is a little video that actually goes back to making Lucy happen! Just for fun! And because I love you guys!

And of course, Lucy pictures!!