Sunday, January 19, 2020

❤️Half a year for Callie and Miles! ๐ŸŽ‰

January!! WOo Hoooo! 

We started the year by leaving babies with Gran to take the cousins to Opryland Hotel and dive into the splash park at Sound Waves and it was wonderful! Lucy had the tale end of a cold and generously passed it to the babies. So we got to experience "Babies first cold" when we got home and all the first week of school being back in session- but we survived. :) 

Lucy is still living that preschool life, acting like she's big stuff. She makes the babies laugh so hard and is absolutely a ridiculous three year old. The stuff she says....its so perfectly three. It makes sense most of the time until she forgets to mention the most important parts. She was telling me a story about her cousins playing outside with her and they and they made bodies...they made bodies and laughed.... so, of course I'm  asking what in the world is she taking about. She tells me every detail except CHALK. So when I figure out that piece of the puzzle, everything makes sense. Hehe! Everyone is enjoying or at least tolerating coming to my basketball games on Saturdays. Lucy told me she might play basketball when she gets big. :) 
   Miles and Callie are big stuff now, rolling around, pulling blankets around, Miles is clapping and Callie is yelling Dadadadada. Miles is 19 lbs and 26 in and Callie is 18 lbs and 25 in. Callie has two adorable teeth that you wouldn't even notice when they were coming in. Miles has no teeth but acts like he's teething all the time.... Both babies love to splash, so we will have to take them to the water park next time! Both babies are eating purees, Callie prefers orange foods (pumpkin, sweet potato, carrots).... and Miles prefers whatever you put on a spoon. hahaha! Growing nicely, still terrible sleepers. 

They both checked out fine at their wellness appointment. The nurse did mention that they are big enough that they shouldn't be waking at night- and I laughed. And Mr. Miles has been cleared by his cardiologist to have surgery next month. He still has a PFO, which is a tiny hole between the top two chambers of his heart. It doesn't affect anything and will likely grow together before he is two. We will get it checked again in a few years. He absolutely charmed the nurses and doctors, was extremely well behaved and enjoyed hanging out with momma. The cardiologist also referred us to a pediatric ENT to look into his noisy breathing. She thinks he may have a condition called floppy airway or tracheomalacia. It happens when babies have a weakness in the walls of their windpipe. Generally, babies outgrow it by 12-18 months. It causes loud labored breathing, sometimes throwing up and gets worse with overexcitement or crying.... so the cry-it-out method is out the window, it just gets him worked  up and stresses his body out. So this may be a HUGE factor in the lack of sleep situation. 

     I mean, we've tried a few things...lavender bath soap, lavender lotion, vicks on feet and chest, sound machine, swaddle/no swaddle, swaying, rocking, gripe water, elevating their heads, consistent routine, essential oils in the air and on the baby, cool mist humidifier, benedryl, tylenol (not together of course), crib, bassinet,co-sleeping, rocker, heartbeat baby (plays the sound so baby doesn't feel alone), bottles/no bottles- although sometimes it is impossible for them to go back to sleep without I'm not sure what else to try. If there are suggestions, please help me. 
Just another night...
A slightly better night...

My best Christmas present.....I took one night off. One glorious night. Lucy had a big girl sleepover with cousins and Matt stayed up all night with babies. I left after bedtime routine and stayed at the new hotel in New Albany on Daisy Summit. My muscles were sore when I woke up from staying so still, I slept that hard. I recommend it to every single momma. Take a night off. I was a much more pleasant person when I got back in the morning and when I start missing sleep, I just think about that night. Ha! That hotel is so nice too! I bet there were about four people there and it's brand new so everything was shiny and sparkly! 
So if there are any suggestions other than take a night off, I'm all ears.
Pictures to prove the babies doooo get tired too! They get it!