Tuesday, August 3, 2021

"You must be so organized!" Rowan- 2 months


     It was only Rowans third week or so... we were visiting Polly's Freeze with all four kids and Matt was in line ordering or picking up food and I was at the table with the kids while they were searching for cicadas and wandering around table to table. The tables we were at were kind of close to the road and in a super sunny spot, so I decided we needed a table in the grass. I corralled the kids, held as many hands as possible and we walked together across the parking lot to the table in the grass far away from the road. As we were slowly making our way through, a grandmotherly lady leaned out of her parked car and said, "You must be so organized!" with a genuine smile on her face and proceeded to tell me how darling my children were. Those words and that interaction will stick with me forever. 

    I was ready to hear, "Your hands sure are full!" or "You guys stay busy!" or the weirdest one that I have heard several times since we've become a family of 6..."Are they all yours?"  It's fun to look at people when we are strolling through somewhere and our parade just keeps coming. Four doesn't seem like so many now, but at first... and well, depending on the setting... :) 

   I keep going back to that interaction when I hit a rut or start to doubt myself because you know what? I AM so organized! My life is pretty neat and tidy. My  schedule, also neat and tidy. Always? Well, no. Lately I've had to add in more doctors appointments than I'd like. 

     It started out as an emergency room visit with chest pain, back pain and overwhelming pressure in my core. The pain eventually subsided, and the chest x-ray along with blood tests were normal. A week later, it happened again and I waited it out. Another week, another episode, another trip to the ER but we waited for the pain to fade in the parking lot. My doctor saw me when I wasn't experiencing a flare up- and ordered an ultrasound of my gall bladder. As I waited for the ultrasound, I was experiencing a flare up- cried during the ultrasound and everything. The ultrasound showed multiple gall stones. Who knew a gall bladder would cause enough pain to make me think I was dying... if you've experienced it, just know, recovering from a c-section is easier. So I had an appointment with the surgeons office to discuss options for surgery because at this point, I want it out! I am watching what I eat, as the things that likely caused the flare ups are pizza, fried things, chips & queso (heart breaking, right?) so now I'm eating lots of caesar chicken salad wraps. I'm hoping we can get it out without too much time off school and I can still help take care of the four crazies. The plan is to have surgery Weds Aug 11 and get back to school the next Monday- so send all those well wishes!

  Ah, yes, back to school. Back to schedules! We have made the most of our summer break, on our own time though. We are all in for a shift when we get back to business next week. Even sweet Rowan won't know what's happening when he's using a bottle- which Gran says he's taking like a champ. He ate through a small freezer stash when they stayed at Gran's this week. 

There is some refreshment in schedules though, knowing what to expect and what needs to be ready by when. I ~super~ enjoy teaching, being a teacher and all things school! Going back to school is fun for me and I'm glad we got to have a pretty normal first day of school this year! Last year was weird with pushing the schedule back and then having so many restrictions and the year before I was out with Miles and Callie so I didn't have a first day! And a lovely first day it was! 

So big stuff, Mr. Rowan, is now two months and some change. He is also learning that I love schedues- not that he cares, but at least he knows, haha. He is sleeping longer at night... I think... As soon as I think I'll get more sleep we throw in breathing treatments in the middle of the night for Miles or Callie's getting out of her big girl bed to play with toys or Lucy's having a bad dream so she neeeeeds to sleep in momma's bed. Sleep is my favorite though, so I will continue to fight the good fight. I am really looking forward to that anesthesia nap next Wednesday. 

 So Rowan is up to 12 lbs 2.5 oz and 23.5 inches long.He's chatty, he's smiley, he's an all around good guy. He's lost his newborn hair but he's already getting more. He still loves a good swaddle and cuddles like it's his job- which it is, right? He likes to be heard- which can be tough some days with our noise. He's a quiet sleeper and really does go right back to sleep after he eats at night. I try not to blame him for my bum gall bladder- but his pregnancy was not fun and it seems to continue with the gross times. I'm a little worried about pumping and supplying milk when it comes time to surgery, but I am working really hard on providing now that I'm at school, so maybe it'll be fine. 



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