Friday, July 16, 2021

Happy Birthday, Miles & Callie!


We had a Taco TWOSday for Callie and Miles, because it turns out chips and queso are the key to happiness! (Unless you ask my gallbladder, but thats a story for another day)


The colors were bright, the toddlers had great naps and IT DIDN'T RAIN!! The forecast for their birthday went from 100% chance of rain all day to slight chance in the evening. It was magical. 

     TWO YEARS! With a pandemic from 1-2! I mean, these kids- they are awesome. They are fun, silly, smart, rotten and just all around a good time. :) 

Miles is up to 36 inches and 29.2 lbs. 
Callie is 34.5 inches and 26.6 lbs. 
both were total champs at the doctors appointment! One tear between the two of them, blood draws and shots!

For Mister Miles and Callie- Allie! 

Miles and Callie, Callie and Miles.
Sometimes you’re “the twins” and you used to be “the babies” (that one was hard to outgrow), but more than ever now your individual personalities make you Miles and Callie. Not quite opposites, yet definitely not the same in any category. You’re both as sweet as sugar when you choose to be and rotten as they come when you find it necessary. Most of the time, those traits on are opposite schedules, thank goodness. You’re both learning how to handle those big emotions with your growing vocabularies. You both love Lucy and Rowan… but it’s clear that Miles is Rowan obsessed and Callie can often be heard asking, “Where Lucy go?!”
Callie is my snack queen and Miles will wipe out nearly any meal. Callie is quick and coordinated and Miles is strong enough to push Daddy down. You both think for yourselves even when Lucy is bossing you around.
I’m lucky to be your momma and I’ll always be ready for your big ol hugs!

Happy 2nd birthday to Callie & Miles!

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