Monday, July 11, 2022

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our THREE year olds!

 As active and busy as "two twos" were, I feel like we are already earning survival badges for three....

Miles and Callie are THREE and don't worry- they won't let you forget! They are still totally adorable, much more independent and so very talkative. 

Both kiddos can buckles their own car seats and that is just a very huge milestone over here. They can both put shoes or sandals on by their self and they can eat meals without me cutting anything up- it's big stuff in our house. 

Being three comes with a lot of new opportunities- like a summer "camp" at Lucy's old preschool- which you have to be potty trained to attend. So Callie and Lucy are about to have a super fun week! Miles- might have to hold off til next year. Callie is good to go, very spotty incidents on rare occasions and she's earned a million pieces of candy and plenty of popsicles too. Miles is just like, not in the mood. He promises he won't go in his underpants annnnnnnnyyyyyymore- if you ask him. He just isn't getting it and isn't all that upset when he makes a mess. So my summer to-do list of "potty train M and C" is still only halfway checked off. That's tough for me, but if having twins helped with anything- it's the acceptance that my plan doesn't always work and that's okay. 

Callie is very into "actually" information and ready to tell you that she can do it by herself- which she usually does and does well with. She's easily frustrated when she can't physically do something but she is such a problem solver- she usually finds a way around. When she doesn't though- cover your ears because her whine will make sick cats sound like singers. It's painful for everyone around and the other kids don't hesitate to tell her that. She's so smart, she knows things that we didn't teach her but she's heard Lucy talk about. She is very musical- always making up songs, singing songs from anything and rocking out along to the music we play. It's also hilarious to hear her change her voice to mimic cartoons and she knows she's being funny. She's hard on herself when she messes up- which will motivate her later. Also- terrible at cleaning up. Voluntarily went to bed one night to avoid having to clean up a mess that she made. Little stinker. She is coming around to being lovey with Rowan although he pulls her hair whenever he can catch her. She is brave too! I overheard Lucy telling her to pick up the crunchy bugs (cicada shells) because Lucy was afraid it might still be alive and Callie reached right down and scooped it up. She goes downstairs with Lucy when Lucy doesn't want to go alone. She is still a snacking pro- but she's also going through some sort of growth spurt because she'll clean her plate! (although sometimes in between she'll claim she doesn't like any of the food thats there.) 

Mister Miles is still a wildly expressive little guy. He knows how to crack you up and giggles at himself when he makes you laugh. He's passionate about every obsession- Toy Story to his Bear Bear blanket. He's a huge fan of eating and I can tell we're going to have to start stocking the fridge based on him and Rowan cleaning us out of food! He used to be very cooperative about bedtime.... not so much these days- but he is the last to get up in the morning and this summer vacation momma really appreciates that. He is working on the initial S sounds in words and will fix it when you call him out on it but it's so sweet to hear that toddler speech. He can dance like nobody's business and you don't have to ask him- he hears the music and he starts moving! He is Rowan's bodyguard but also the reason Rowan needs a bodyguard..... He knows exactly how to annoy his sisters but usually stops when they ask. Miles has built a stamina for the activities we keep him busy with and is pacified with snacks very easily. He prefers flavored water (sweet tea flavor) to regular water- so he looks very high maintenance. He plays that part well- he is the most likely to throw a fit but also most likely to velcro to my side. He loves his momma dearly and I have to love on him for that. He likes to run with the big boys at bounce time and it really doesn't matter to him if they notice him or not. He loves Johnny from SING and all the Elton John songs he performs. He sings along and it's just the sweetest. 

As twins, they love each other but I can't say they love each other more than their other siblings. It will be interesting to see how their relationship changes when Lucy is not with them every day when school starts. They are both very cute and sweet- I couldn't ask for better double rainbow babies! They are so fun!


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