Spring Break 2022 was awesome! Better than expected when traveling with four littles.
Leading up to spring break, we had two weeks of yucky sickness at our house. We even took all four to the doctor for antibiotics for all. It was ROUGH. Everyone got better just in time to go to Clearwater.
We had a few bumps...pun intended. Callie got car sick when we were almost to Atlanta on the way there- but only that once. Miles ended up with four staples on the side of his head- and probably fussed less than Lucy about that spot on her leg that got sun burn. ;) Rowan was generally in good spirits- we only had to stop for him once on the way home. That's really all the trouble though!
So over 7 days we did a ton of activities and basically traded in nap time for ice cream break- who wouldn't love it?!? The kids favorite part was playing in the sand for hours and looking for shells! Definitely the easiest activity for grown ups too!
We attempted beach pictures and it was rough. Somehow the photographer got some pretty cute shots!
Rowan is happily eating all the food that everyone else gets- he's big now. :) He finally got in for his 9 month check up even though he was just a few days short of 10... He weighed 20 lbs 6.5 oz and was 28.5 inches long. (Which is just the 39 and 55th percentile) But that big ol head- 19 inches and 99 percentile! 
Mister Miles is the one with a story to tell about vacation and coming back with hardware in his head. It's a really short story though. I was giving Rowan a bath, the big kids were running in the house and he hit his head on the corner of the baseboard when he fell down. There was an urgent care specifically for kids just around the corner but they sent us to the ER because the doctor there could tell he needed staples. The ER was about 4 minutes away so- easy peasy. We were the only ones in the waiting room and Miles was pretty social with the staff. They adored him and told repeatedly how wonderful he was. He didn't cry at all and didn't even get numbed for it. He was awarded many prizes- a blow up sword, paddle ball, medical gloves, pretend mustaches, and a couple other junk toys.
Today, he got those staples out! He probably fussed more today- but forgot all about it after a couple M and Ms.
He's a tough cookie and a total clown. He thinks he's hilarious and if you can understand him through the giggles, he's super entertaining.
After Callie got car sick- it was smooth sailing for her! She makes it impossible to nap on vacation but is pretty agreeable about everything else. Just kidding, she was awful for our beach pictures because she didn't "want tooooooo!!"
She is super into sweets and the candy museum was absolutely up her alley! She was a sweet girl for a lot of the time. She also acted like she was five and that wears me out. Hehe!
Lucy was a champ. She's a veteran traveler- she was pumped about getting some ipad time and she helped chill Miles out in the back row when things got whiney. She was able to be the big sis and boss the littles around but also got the chance to just be five. She's so responsible- I forget that not all 5 year olds are! We took her reading folder from school and she was able to practice her poems. She even shared them with the littles. So much sweetness. She's also always ready for a photo op- and that makes me laugh.
Now that we're back to reality, we are waking up early and going to bed early too. Lucy asked me why we went to bed when it's still light outside and wake up when it's dark. So, I have the same question. :) We are gearing up and getting ready for Rowan's first birthday and we are all excited to celebrate that crazy baby!
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