Shouting THANK YOU to my friends that are seeing me and lending a helping...meal.
A huge shout out to my Whitney who loaded my doordash account so that I didn't have to cook when I simply couldn't. I was able to keep the kids fed and to eat after my surgery took me out for a few days. You are an angel.
Tonight we were provided dinner by Meg. It was delicious and oh so needed though I didn't know we needed it so. I guess I didn't realize the weight of deciding, planning, making, serving and living my life during dinner time. It was carefree and effortless to warm up the meal and I was able to sit with the kids and enjoy it!!!
Turns out, the beginning of the school year plus a pandemic, plus a new baby (can you believe he's three months old?) plus a gallbladder removal equals a bit much? I just rolled with it and kept on keepin' on but my goodness- it was such a relief to have help. I didn't ask for it and I think that made it 100% just stress-free- they saw me and poof! Like magic. These magical friends of mine...swoon....
If you've held my baby, or caught a falling toddler (Or climbed the jungle gym to rescue an over confident Miles-AMANDA), you are appreciated. If you are giving me grace because my mental capacity has somehow diminished, thank you. If you covered my class when I covered myself in breastmilk after trying that cordless pump (which I totally have the hang of now!), I owe ya! To the parent that sent homemade brownies in for me, I love you. I appreciate all the 'wish wells' and happy thoughts being sent my way. Life is wild and I need help sometimes. <3
Now, the big guy! I won't have stats until next month- but he's just no longer a newborn! He reacts to people and voices. He giggles and he fusses like he's got an opinion or something. He can swivel that head around as fast as my big kids can talk. For being so little, he's getting too big. He is a smiley little booger who loves his crew. He enjoys the outdoors, no matter how hot it gets! His sleep pattern could use some improvement, but I also can't complain too much....He's the sweetest Bratcher for now and we will reevaluate that when he learns to talk.
We continue to defend him against Miles and all that Callie has gotten confident with sitting with him and Lucy knows exactly how to talk to make him grin. He is loved. Also, he pukes on Matt pretty consistently...not sure what that's about. ;)
Lucy is about to be FIVE if anyone wants to hear about, she will be glad to tell you all about her rainbow unicorn birthday party plans. She is being oh-so-helpful at her school four days a week. She amazes me with her counting and spelling and her pure joy at outsmarting her Daddy with camel facts. Which shows me she can be a good listener!
So we're doing well, growing these crazy kids and somehow staying sane! Thanks again to all the wonderful people in my world!!!!