The holidays may be over but the excitement at the Bratcher house is an all year occurrence.
Miles and Callie had their 18 month well check this week and well, they are still perfect.
Miles is 32.5 inches tall and 28 lbs. Callie is 32.2 inches and 24 lbs. If you’ve been around them lately, it was not hard to believe that Miles is a tad heavier. π
They have all kinds of words, and most you can understand.... Miles is still super obsessed with Big Bird, Ho Ho, all things momma and he’s added words like hot dog, bath, and up please, to his vocabulary. Callie talks... a lot. She’ll tell ya all about the “plane outside, balloon in the sky, chicken too hot, stop, thank you,” and so much more.
They are both climbers, pushers, movers and runners. This age is so fun and so very active. I’ll also admit that Lucy didn’t know what a movie was until she was about three.... and Callie asked to watch Moana the other day.... so obviously I’ve been a little tired. π Miles and Callie can sit and watch a movie longer than they probably should be able to at this age.
Lucy is usually a helpful sis. She is also the reason they are fast runners... they practice in our hallway and sometimes they are running to escape her “love.” She’s always working on gentle touch and keeping her hands to herself. She’s loving preschool still and gives me the daily report of her classmates name by name. So if your kiddo attends her preschool, I probably know what they thought about snack today. π She’s four and asks like she knows everything, she bosses people around until they tell her to stop, and she still has no idea she’s getting another baby in May.
So this new kid- he’s a BOY! Yes, we are super psyched! Making even teams, being able to have a boys room/girls room, using the boy items that Miles is finished with- all fun stuff!!
I was able to take the funniest pictures of the crew with their gender reveal shirts on with no questions asked.π
Now for names, we have exactly zero ideas. I’d like for it to mesh with the others well, have an L, one or two syllables and not repeat the first initial with anyone else. Simple, right? We didn’t have any girl names ready either, so either way we are starting from scratch. We thought coming up with Miles and Callie’s names were tough. π
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