They've only been here for a month, but we are creating new routines and working on schedules. The only problem with a schedule while they are this little is...well, they grow. Their needs change by the day. Eating more, sleeping more- then less, then eating even more. As soon as we've figured them out, they change it up on us. I am balancing nursing, pumping, formula and all the things it is going to take to keep them healthy and growing (and not screaming).
We are still on the go, having an almost summer vacation extension while I am on maternity leave. Miles and Callie go right along so they are going to be used to our 'on the go' style. Lucy is of course, living it up! She is starting preschool this week and could not be more excited! I am so pumped for her to be around other preschoolers and learn new things. She is so ready and I am looking forward to watching her grow, as always. <3
Every time I blog (or scrapbook online as I see it) I am reminded of how much it took to get where we are. I follow our doctors office on their Facebook page (Fertility & Endocrine Associates) and they just celebrated my doctors 300th successful IVF graduate. Can you imagine?? 300 pregnancies that would not have happened without her assistance. 300 times a woman who thought she couldn't conceive was able to hear the words, "You are pregnant!" I don't use this phrase often- but, it hits ya right in the feels. All the feelings of hope, happiness, and all the hard work. Now take that times 300- it is overwhelming.

It also reminds me of the long, tough path we took to get here. Lucy, Miles and Callie are here because we took a risk- a very calculated risk- but a risk all the same. We put it all out there, had the BEST support system possible and I put my body through things it couldn't handle doing naturally. Which also allows me to be super protective of my babies without an ounce of guilt. I worked very hard on getting these amazing humans here and by golly, I'll make the decisions to keep them the safest possible. It's obvious that we aren't sheltering anyone by any means- but keeping them safe and making sure they are getting the best I can provide- that's priority #1. And then we have all the fun, haha!
A lot of love and a little bit of science!
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