This girl. She's got a little personality now and we are more in love everyday. Turns out, four months is tons of fun. Although we cannot trust her anymore when we lie her down, its fun to watch her roll back and forth and holler when she's on the move.
She fussed about being restrained in her car seat but enjoys strolling and riding. She's not a morning person so mornings are usually spent napping. She's not so cooperative when it comes to naps in the afternoon but she's coming around.
She's a fan of the pups although if she doesn't have food, they act like she doesn't exist. She usually sleeps like a dream at night but won't let me take it for granted as she keeps me up all night once about every three weeks. She's tricky like that. She smiles big for strangers and blows raspberries for Daddy.
I think she knows she's cute and she doesn't hide it!
She's so big doc has given us the go ahead on eating solids. We've tried bananas- big hit! She's also tried apples, not such a big fan right now. :)
Solids lead to fun diaper changes! Haha!!
BANANAS!!! It seems Otis has been waiting all of Lucy's life for moments like these. :)
It's so fun to look back and watch her grow!
At Emma's birthday party! |
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