She's figuring us out...we will keep trying to figure her out. :)
First bath, sweet girl didn't cry at all! |
After her bath, comfy cozy. |
When we think we've got her figured out, she changes! Just in these first couple weeks, she has changed so much. She is losing her chubby cheeks and we are working hard to keep those. She eats all the time... and then some. She hated the pacifier until she took it yesterday at the parade. We held our breath thinking if we commented on it, she would toss it. She loves to be on her belly, and is rolling over from her back to her belly to get comfy. It is insane that she is only two weeks old!! She loves riding in the car, except the days she hates it. She does not mind headbands but we will see how long that lasts. She just figured out she has hands and loves to stick them in her mouth. She is such a sweet girl...until she's screaming. She makes the most adorable baby sounds. She continues those baby sounds all night long and she may be moving out of our room any day now! (Except I can't imagine not having her in her bassinet next to me.)
She sleeps so well, usually 5 to 6 hours a night! Most nights feeding is a quiet and dark activity and she goes right back to sleep. Right now, we are celebrating these victories because I know they may not last forever.
I will mention that in the excitement of planning for labor and preparing my body for the main event, my preparation for feeding this baby was not a worry for me. I read a million articles and tips about labor and birth. Then I read a million more and talked to moms about baby's first weeks. I read a few articles about breastfeeding...and then we went full force into nursing and I read all the articles trying to figure out if it was normal that I couldn't breathe when she latched on for the first two weeks....

Turns out, its normal. :) Now that we are in the third week, I no longer want to scream when she starts eating. It took practice. It took patience. It took me realizing that me and this precious girl are now a team. I need her to empty me- I found out what a clogged duct feels like and whoa....that was not fun. She needs me to comfort and feed her. So we work together. Feeding her in the middle of the night is almost as much as a benefit for me as it is for her. She is gaining weight, still not up to her birth weight- but c'mon, she's doing all right. ;) If you are a new mom, just know breastfeeding gets better. If you know a new mom, tell her that breastfeeding gets better!!! It was so great to have people that could give me pointers or just reassure me that we were doing it right.
My recovery from the c-section was just fabulous! The Saturday after Lucy was born, we went to the Fall Flea downtown and bought a small table for her room. On Tuesday, she had her first doctor's appointment and I had mine too. I got my staples removed and went on my way! After her first week home, I mowed the grass. (I may have gone a little too far, lol) I am out and about and love it! I made pumpkin rolls today!!
I have absolutely loved introducing her to all the people that helped us make her possible! She is already so loved. We love visitors so if you have a chance, text me and we would be glad to visit!!
I just know this girl is going to be amazing. She already has the best support system and pretty cool parents. She is going to make a difference. Heck, she already has. <3
Congratulations! Thanks for the update and the pics!