We did it. We took a five week old camping. Not only did we survive, we actually enjoyed ourselves! We had a great time- we were also in a camper, no tents for us! We have been to Lake Rudolph's HalloWeekends for years now and so we also got to hand out candy to trick-or-treaters and ride the "haunted" hayride. We joined the fun as pirates with baby as our parrot, a very sleepy parrot. Lucy even got to meet Santa Claus!! When you are in Santa Claus, Indiana- you get to meet the man no matter what day it is! Santa loved Lucy (who wouldn't!?!) and Lucy loved talking to Santa too.
My birthday was fabulous! Gran kept little Miss so Matt & I could go to dinner and a movie- Topp't and Miss Peregrines. Loved the pizza, loved the movie. I only once thought, "I'd like to smell Lucy right now..." during the movie. That's not weird, right??!
We also enjoyed ice cream cake, my favorite! I got a necklace with her initial L, a pineapple and her birthstone. <3 Matt also showered me with flowers and some iTunes fun! :)
Baby Lucy continues to show us her love by sleeping 5 and 6 hours at night. It is a beautiful thing. The only inconvenience is that I am often waiting for her to wake up to empty me or I will get up to pump to relieve my discomfort. A small price to pay for awesome sleep!! Nursing is now something I look forward to, which I had a hard time imaging those first weeks...It is so sweet.

She is growing just right and we will visit her doctor next week for her one month check up. We are having fun dressing her in clothes that she can't argue with us about. We take about a thousand pictures a day...check Instagram for almost daily updates, feel free to unfollow me if I'm driving you crazy! ;)
There are only 21 days left before I return to work, so I am gladly spoiling this little girl absolutely rotten, I will not hesitate to admit it.
6 weeks of sweetness....