Remember when I used to blog's to a New Year's resolution! Hahaha!
The update from September is lots of being busy!
Some highlights...
Lucy's birthday!!!! She's a big ol' 7 year old who is ready to take on the world- or at least tell the world what to do. She's independent as I let her be- which is getting easier and easier to do. She accepts responsibility better than most and she's getting a little better at accepting she's not always the best at everything. Lucy's a problem solver and often a problem finder so she can solve it. She's a reader and a leader- in our house anyway. She's lovely Lucy. <3
Lucy's birthday always coincides with the IVF babies reunion that our fertility doctor's office hosts. It's just the perfect time to remember how hard we all worked to make a Lucy possible! A reminder that 7 years ago, we thought having kids might not be in the cards for us- look at us now! I mean, who would've thought!