Happy birthday to the surprise, spontaneous, extra, free baby!!
He's the little guy that was always just the "baby" or maybe it was because he was born during Covid, he's the little guy that not as many people acknowledge. If you know him and hang out with him- he's the best! He is the sweetest, messiest, loudest, and bossiest (and that's saying something).He makes his own rules, which we should've realized from the start! He can charm a crowd and is also the best listener most days.
He waves hello and bye bye, he walks and runs into things regularly. He can say mama, dada, car, dog, up, no, yes, snack, cracker, bath, cup, ball, duck, and has his own way of saying Lucy, Miles and Callie and you know exactly who he is talking about and telling on. Let's just say, we are not concerned about his verbal expression at all. He willingly showed off all his tricks at his one year check up- more proof that he listens better than the rest of them.
We celebrated his Rookie Year with a few friends and family who loved on him and let him be wild. We were able to celebrate with lovely weather after good long naps from all the Bratcher kids. :)
He had two smash cake sessions before the actual party, and was a little less interested after each and was not interested in his party cake at all. He would rather stick his feet in it!
He is so very demanding about food right now, he must be going through a growth spurt! He loooooves his momma and is also pretty demanding when it comes to getting my attention. ;)