Monday, June 21, 2021

Rowan is four weeks old!

      He looks like a little old man, and sounds like one too. He's a pleasant little guy who has no choice but to go with the flow. Somehow he came out with hair and the top is already gone...

He's up to 9lbs 10.5 oz from 8.1 two weeks ago! He's also grown an inch from our last visit. In much more exciting news, Rowan tested positive for Covid antibodies!! How cool is science that my vaccine was shared with him! That makes half of our family vaccinated. Now to research how to share antibodies through breastmilk! Our pediatricians office is also looking into how it all works and is willing to help us learn. 

     And it hit me the other day- again maybe- just how crazy it is that he is here. He is here and healthy and totally "normal" (because when I got pregnant on my own, crazy thoughts invaded my brain like, what kind of kid are we making if IVF isn't helping us?).  It's crazy, absolutely crazy.  I have also really wrapped my head around how happy I am to not be pregnant anymore. I have all energy back, nothing hurts, and I can breathe. I don't feel nauseous!!!! So whatever ailments bother me now, at least he's here!!! 

     Miles is still obsessed, Lucy is still bossing us all around, and Callie....well Callie has learned how to throw an epic fit.... so we are dealing with all that. It seems that Callie is trying to figure out how to be as big as Lucy with her 2 year old vocabulary and that is very frustrating for her. Poor, (Screaming, kicking, punching) baby. But her vocabulary! Callie and Miles are talking more than ever and every day there's another phrase and sentence that they spit out. Callie used to ask "whyyyy" about everything and now its "Why you do that?" It was cute at first.... 

We're gearing up for Miles' and Callie's birthday bash, a Taco TWOS-day party! Lots of chips and queso for these kids. Looking forward to a normal get together, hopefully! July is going to be awesome! 


Saturday, June 5, 2021

It's been two weeks!

      So, it's been two weeks with Rowan... and I swear the second week was a test. 

Memorial Day was spent with Matt and I whole heartedly believing we were dying from a stomach virus that just wouldn't quit. Gran saved several lives when she picked up the big kids and brought sprite. Matt and I suffered through Monday while Rowan was completely cooperative. Tuesday, we were almost fine- we were able to live our lives and even take the kids to a playground that afternoon- normal. Then Wednesday, normal again! Matt went back to work, I took the kids to bounce time, played, napped, visited with a friend- all things normal. Until...Callie started throwing up...and kept throwing up all night long. It probably wouldn't have been so traumatizing except- we never get sick. Callie and Miles have never been "sick" and Lucy has only thrown up once- when she was 18 months old. 

So it started with Callie, then Lucy started throwing up Thursday night and went on all night. She is a champ though! Only one mess and she took care of herself and used a waste basket in her room and just kept sleeping. Miles also threw up that night- but just once (thank goodness). Lucy was out of commission all of Friday and perked right back up on Saturday. Lots of bodily fluids, lots of laundry, lots of clinging to momma and crying. Our bedtime routines are still a bit off. I'm telling ya- it was rough.  Welcome to a family of four kids! 

And Rowan just kept being cute. Gran saved us again by staying with the big kids while we went to Rowan's two week check up. He's back up to his birth weight and then some! He's growing beautifully and just an all around sweet baby. His only fault is peeing through his outfits... 

Everyone getting sick delayed newborn pictures so we are working on making that happen... before he's up walking around, haha! 

Saturday, we were back to "normal" and even took everyone to the zoo!  We had a delightful time and everyone did so great. We got naps in and then tried the splash pad at Silver Street park- but everyone else was there- so we came home to our own splash park and that worked out so much better. :) 

Obviously, Miles is slightly obsessed with Rowan...Lucy is a little momma to him and Callie....well... Callie was the sickest little girl who got lots of momma attention for a while...then she seems to have lost a bit of independence. She has to know where momma is and is going and where I was and what I was doing... and be right there. I'm sure it's a phase, and we will survive it! Miles and Callie have also been nuts about bedtime. They used to ask to go to they stay up talking, yelling, laughing, crying, etc. They are waking up in the middle of the night and I need life to get back to whatever normal might look like..
Figuring out our new normal might take a bit.