These kids have grown soooo much in the last month or so. Miles is full out walking! Callie stands on her own. Callie says words like duck, dog, quack and will show you her toes when you ask about her nose- and we correct her- but it's so darn cute. Miles says Maaaaa, and you can get a quack out of him every once in a while.
Their first birthday is right around the corner (July 10) and we shall celebrate!!! We are celebrating survival, adventure and all the things we've accomplished this year!
Including their first beach trip!!
Mister Miles. He’s tough to impress and he’d rather cuddle and snooze than play in the pool. He puts up with my antics but let’s me know when he’s had enough. He’s a sneaky kind of sweet and a big fan of the sand(but did a great job of not eating it). His giggle is everything. He crushed his nose in a face plant on like the 2nd day of vacay, so tell him he looks tough...
This girl is as wild as her hair. No fear, we might as well call her Moana the way the ocean calls her. She’s been voted least likely to sit still and she is the only kid we HAVE to buckle into every seat. She’s got a smile for everyone and it turns out, she’s a birder. 

An unexpected wave wiped her out on our first night at the beach... so we’re thrilled she cautiously fell in love with the ocean. It took big cousins and lots of hand holding, but she ended up running through waves! This girl is smart and fun, she seeks safety in adventures and that’s the best kind of kid for this momma.

Also, her 3 year self is really good at awkward picture faces right now....
We had the greatest time in the sand and sun! The babies were entertained and loved the sand. Callie enjoyed the water and Miles tolerated it. Lucy was interested in all the things as usual! The car ride to and from was way easier than I anticipated! I was so thrilled at how well they did on the loooong trip!