Thursday, February 20, 2020

πŸ₯°SEVEN months!?!?!?!πŸ₯°

Month seven has been all kinds of exciting...but I need sunshine and warm weather and outside walks and please bring back the sun.
 We don't stop having fun, though! We took a trip to Gatlinburg and the babies only cried a little in the car...the only problem is that they take turns... They did great on the way home though, they slept almost the whole way! We had a great time visiting the aquarium, Apple Barn, The Island, and seeing the sights of Gatlinburg.

Some stats on these cats!
Miles is up another 10 oz this month. I only know because they weighed him again before his circ surgery and then he charmed all the doctors and nurses into thinking he was Mr. Wonderful.... which isn't too far off. He was fun before the surgery, had no reservations about leaving me to go with the anesthesiologist and was cuddly after the surgery. He was temporarily a monster as the anesthesia wore off- which is hear is the norm. He's already back to his giggly little self, so no worries. He also had his FIRST tooth pop through the evening of his surgery, so he's a champ!! He's almost crawling, but he really wants to stand- which is not okay with me. Ha! He is always saying Dada with a mischievous grin, so I'm sure he's up to no good. :)

Callie girl is up to THREE teeth with fourth not long behind. I already miss those gummy grins! She is finally getting good at the purees on a spoon but prefers the real deal. Pancakes in Gatlinburg were a huge hit! She's a roly poly with no need to crawl with the way she gets around the place. She continues to be a happy little ray of sunshine unless you're an unfamiliar old lady or the car wash. Those two things are guaranteeing tears these days.

And my Lucy! Being three is so weeeeird. She is the sweetest of sweet and then she's mean as a snake. She's hilarious one moment and super socially awkward the next. I signed her up for gymnastics, she thought it was a great idea....we've been through FIVE weeks of classes and she hasn't done one single activity with the class on her own. Not one. And its killing me- so I walk her in and sit in the hall with the rest of the parents and wait to hear how she did. One week left...
She can be incredibly sweet and loves to make the babies laugh buuuut she is also too rough and acts like it doesn't bother her if she makes them cry- I hope it's an act, please be an act. She's figured out that everyone has a different opinion and she likes to have hers. She is energetic to put it lightly, so I am counting down the days until I can send her outside to run, haha. (thought gymnastics might help with that) She still loves preschool so much! She cracks me up because shes always referring to her classmates as "her" kids.

February has been fun, but i'm looking forward to March! :)