I want the title of this post to be my new blog theme! I wonder how I could go about making this a job or something...? If you've got an idea, share it with me!!!
I'm reflecting on teaching and school, while promoting information and education about infertility and blogging my kids scrapbooks all at the same time!
I'll start with the pencils...

Back to school like no other year. It’s a mess. A pandemic, socially distanced, mask wearing, new normal kind of mess. Let's just say, it's not ideal- but what of this is???
I'm leaving my littles with my parents to go to school, teach my heart out while wearing a mask and shield, avoiding close contact and using sanitizer constantly and then change my clothes, wash down and go get my littles all while hoping we aren't all spreading this virus to vulnerable people. It's enough to make you think twice and wear you out all at the same time. Also- there are no subs, so if you have to be out- get ready to inconvenience five other adults while your class suffers from already being anxious and now you're not there to comfort them. It's a lot.
The pressure mounts even as others are telling you "We're in this together." Yes...together we are struggling to make this awesome. In true 'Bratcher' fashion though- it will be awesome. Maybe not every day, but I can promise you these second graders will remember this year as being the best!! The parents, they are absolute rock stars. They know what teachers are tackling and they are sending supplies to ready us for the battle. I never have to ask for sanitizer or masks because they've got us covered.

Here's the biggest thing for me, I am getting comfortable. The students are getting comfortable. We wear masks and let people point thermometer guns at our heads and this is normal now. We are getting closer to each other and thinking, well we have masks on, it'll be fine. And it is...until it isn't and I'm scared it's going to hit so close to home that we cannot ignore it anymore. That stresses me out.
Virtual teaching is not best practice and we know that. If it was the best choice for our students, we would've already been doing it. In these "unprecedented" times where we must remain "fluid," we are going to make virtual teaching work. It's not the best, and I need everyone to know that we know that. We will make it work, and for some kids- it'll work well. In my mind though, these second graders (7 & 8 year olds!) are not ready for someone to give them directions through a computer screen and then show evidence of their learning so teachers can prove that our lessons are valuable and demand rigor. It's so much. Yes, I am comparing pre-pandemic to currently living in it. It's not that I wasn't prepared to handle it, it's that no one knew what was coming. I can deal with change and the demand of quick thinking and quick action. What is hard to deal with is- the possibility of "handling it" not being enough.
I feel supported though- I feel like our PTO, parents, select community members and businesses, and my own sweet friendly sponsors are really pulling for us. I feel like they are trying to help us carry the weight of the world and for that- nothing but love you guys, nothing but love.♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

On to the pineapples! Infertility sucks, we know that. But being able to talk about it, being able to share my experiences and possibly help someone else during a tough time- that's what I'm all about. On the same day last month, I had a friend ask me how we went about fundraising with t-shirts and another friend ask me about the cost and physical pain associated with shots as she was planning her IVF journey. I hate that other people are going through the pain of infertility but I want to help! It did my heart good to hear and relate to others. I think they helped "fill my bucket" more than I helped with my words. I felt helpful and that's what my personality likes!
I want to make a bigger impact with families struggling with infertility. I want to be a louder voice. I want to normalize something that is so hard to talk about. If you have any ideas or suggestions, throw them at me!

Positive Thinking!
You know my kids go here.πππ
My precious babies. I got so much extra time at home with them that I thought I was ready to get back to school. I swear, I did not take one second for granted. Now they are growing without me watching every second of it and I miss them! The first week back was tough, but now that they've adapted to our new schedule- they are doing great. Miles and Callie go to bed so much earlier than they use to, but they play hard all day, so I know they need to crash. They love going to Gran and Dallas' house. I am eternally grateful that I can leave them somewhere that they never even think about crying when I go. They have adventures and get to roll around in the dirt and sand until their heart is content and I love that.

Callie is still a firecracker...more so now that she can run- which she does when she steals Dallas' TV remote. He says, she just gets so tickled I can't help but let her. She also climbs from the couch to the rocking chair, can get down by herself just to climb into the other chair that serves as her throne as she looks down upon the minions aka everyone else. She thinks she can whistle- which is awesome. She says things like ball, get down, dog, HIIIIIII and bye bye. She's always seems like she's on a mission. Her feet as just as wild as they were when I was pregnant with her and she uses them to stomp when she's "happy and she knows it." She loves to dance and gets her shoulder crankin' when she hears music. Spinning in circles is the newest copycat move from Lucy. She also MUST have a drink if Lucy has a drink. The temper on this one is something else though... telling her no has gotten some terrible responses... we're working on that. She's an extreme on the emotional scale- SUPER happy and scary mad. Haha!

Miles is almost as chill as he looks, but if he comes at you like he's going to kiss you...dodge. He lovingly bites now... mostly Callie (call it payback). He is quick to "awwwww" at you, does a killer dinosaur impression, and demands "nigh nigh" as soon as he's out of the bath. He also likes to dip his face in the bath water then laugh, so you have to watch him close. He's been up and running for months, but we learned that he has to find his balance after nap time and waking up because he will crash into walls. We're considering finding a bubble or helmet for him! He's recently started dancing which looks a lot like a sway and a bob, it suits him. He still loves a good cuddle and prefers to sit on the couch with you before attacking Callie for certain favorite toys. He focuses on toys with doors, snaps, velcro, etc and can play independently longer than most. He sleeps with a teddy bear he refers to as 'bear bear" whereas Callie screamed at hers and threw it out of her bed when I gave it to her. π

Lucy girl is enjoying her preschool even while wearing a mask! She doesn't mind it much, and remembers better than me somedays to put it on before we go in any place. I wish her preschool years were spent a little more carefree.... but she's a good sport even when she asks, "When will the germs go awwwwaaaaay??" She listens more than she should and can spell some words so you have to be careful about what you say. She thinks everything is her business. I find myself more willing to text all the words so she's not asking about when is my next meeting and where are we going next weekend. π She tells us about her pretend friends still, but will make sure we know they are not real. Soccer at 10:30 is always on the schedule although she's never been on a soccer team or actually had scheduled practices. She loves school and likes to show off that she knows everyone's name in her class. I just about lost it the other day with this conversation though...
Lucy: Where are we going next?
Me: You have to go wherever I go, so it doesn't really matter.
Lucy: What a delightful joke! (and she proceeds to giggle)
Whatttt??? She's so weird and I love it.
She's got awesome Halloween plans that she's been working on for months, so we will definitely be following her lead on that. She realllllly struggles to keep her hands off Miles and Callie.... but we're working on it. EVERY. DAY. She's grown like a weed and skipped through the 4T size- which almost puts her in the "big girl" section of clothes.π She swears she's never tired but still takes 2 hour naps, and sleeps well at night too. She tries so hard to be a leader but those babies just don't know how to listen... She's all fun stuff rolled into one little girl. And her birthday is coming up on Tuesday!!!
That'll get it's own separate blog!