Ohhhh these babies!! They are awesome.
(and yes, they are twins)
They got their 4 month shots on Monday, and although we may have traumatized Callie, Miles handled it like nothing happened. :) Callie weighs 14lbs, 5 oz. Miles weighs 16 lbs even! Miles is just a half inch taller than Callie at 24 and 1/2 inches.
We totally rocked October and I'd be happy to let it last forever.
Callie and Miles are the most fun right now! Laughing and smiling and all those giggles. Still slightly missing sleep, but being busy helps!
Lucy is super fun too, because she can take care of herself and all of us too! She just told us that she, "is so interactive and helpful!" So who wouldn't want her around?!?
Ms Kelly took our pictures on Sunday and of course they are gorgeous! We are in love with the couple that we've seen and are so excited to see more. I mean...that hat, right??
We are very much looking forward to the holiday season and getting these babies all festive and Lucy gladly buys into all the fun!
We are living it up because we know they grow fast and every first of Callie and Miles' is the last first we will have! We are totally okay with having our last babies....but also, there will be zero regrets. It's clear that we pack our days full of experiences and memory making! Time may pass quickly, but we are using every moment.
Just think about this- about a year ago (Nov 14) we were thawing and transferring two frozen embryos with the high hopes of them "sticking." The couple of days after the transfer were wild and the two weeks were hard to wait through. But then when we found out we were pregnant....nothing compares.
As my close friend Amy reminded me...there was a time when we weren't sure there would be a baby Bratcher--- and now, three!!!! So many emotions and joy is at the top! <3
If you ever think that perhaps I take too many pictures, just consider the story! :)
We continued to have the BEST support system and our friends and family are the greatest! Thank you, always, to the people that are on our team and Thinking Positive with us! That's how we got here!