Friday, October 4, 2019

๐Ÿ•ถ❤️A three year old and 3 month olds!

She's three!! 

This rock star big sis is crushin' it. She continues to live her best toddler life and also finds the time to explain life to mom and dad while singing Daniel Tiger life skill songs. It's always fun to be greeted with a song in the middle of life's more hectic moments. She is also super into "playing" preschool at home and teaching us how to count and dance- she's got 'leadership' skills...At this exact moment, she's currently counting down her bana slices, "If one got ate'd, how many are left? TWO banas left!"  She will never not ask you what you are drinking and if you are looking. We still cannot tell her about anything a moment in advance, because she thinks she's going to make it happen now. She says, "Momma, I love you!!" more times than I can keep track of. She occasionally tries to steal my phone so she can use the camera as a mirror and say words like water (waaater, wawawaterrrr, wateeeeerrrr) in her silliest voice. It's a hoot.
    She had a blast at her big girl birthday party- which I purposely planned on having out of the house since I new I would be juggling the babies too- it worked out perfectly! Her friends and my friends bounced and ran around until the were tuckered out! She was eternally grateful for the many bath bombs and sweet presents. She is still super pumped to pick out a bath bomb each night and just be so fancy.

These babies....

It is so cliche to say, "They grow up so fast..." but guys, ugh, they look and act completely different than just a few weeks ago. They are three months old and we will have to wait until their appointment in November to see how heavy they are because, man, they can eat! 

They are barely fitting into their 3 months clothes, we're moving on up to 3-6 and 6 month size. They are sleeping longer and making noises that aren't crying. Miles has the sweetest little giggle and Callie is sleeping through the night!  Miles is more of an instant gratification kinda kid and Callie can wait patiently, most days. He naps well and she does too(if you're holding her.) When I was pregnant with them, I told myself I wouldn't dress them alike. HAHA! Look at me now. They are just too cute to not match- and if you know me well, you know my obsession with color coordination. 
Thank goodness for my people!! Friends have provided more meals as I headed back to school and things got harder. My friends sent meals my way through delivery and even came over to hang with the kiddos so Matt and I could use a meal gift card sent by my sweet, sweet aunt. We have a village and this village is continuously helping us. Thank you to everyone who holds babies, visits, texts, sends meals or those positive vibes!! You are very much appreciated! <3
Fall Break is rocking my socks off and I love it so much. We've used the first week to have a little fun and this weekend and next week are about to be incredible!