So last year on July 11th, I shared the news that our frozen embryo transfer from June did not work. Brokenhearted, we were supported by family and friends thinking positive thoughts and sending those healing vibes our way.
So fast forward 364 days.... and we have the two little embryos that could!
That's right, they're here!
Happy Birthday on July 10th, at about 3:30 am to these precious babies!

For those who want the scoop- here we goooooo!
We were out later than usual watching the all star baseball game at Wendy's house. We got home about 11:00, Lucy fell right asleep- I jumped in the shower. So after a shower, I felt like I hadn't dried off well enough as my legs were still wet- as big as my belly was though, this was not a big deal and I really didn't care. HA! Until my mucus plug was on my leg- if you don't know what that is, don't google it- just know it's a sign of starting labor. :)
I cleaned up, sat in bed and assumed I had some time as that was the only sign of labor. Well, 5 seconds later, puddle. Then drip, drip, drip. That was my water breaking, not shower water. Again, no urgency- I just needed some confirmation that this was actually happening. We never got to this point with Lucy! So as I'm repeatedly cleaning up drips and making it to the toilet to avoid any messes- I let Matt know that I'd like to get it checked out and the ER is the only option at this time of night. I call Gran, she's on her way- also not worried (or at least not sounding worried) and came over to sit with snoozing Lucy. We grabbed our bags and hit the road- with a towel on the seat because, ya know, new car. HAHA!
We arrived at the hospital at 12:45, they were ready to send us up to labor and delivery and I just wanted to make sure that indeed my water broke! We hung out and got everything ready to roll- decided the c-section was happening soon enough. Again- no sense of urgency- but at this point, you would think a hospital would put a little pep in their step, right? So if these kids are as chill as Lucy, I can just thank everyone for acting like having babies is no big deal....
We prep, prep, prepped and we headed to surgery. This birth experience was way different than Lucy's! I was aware and "all there" for all of it! Science is cool and a little bit scary. Miles was born at 3:27am and Callie was born at 3:29am!
I was out of surgery by 4:15am. We were able to recover and then hang out with Callie while Miles was being evaluated. His first ten minutes into the world were impressive and then he decided that breathing normally was going to take more effort than he wanted to invest- silly kid. So a transport team came in from Norton's Children's hospital and evaluated and supported his breathing- they transported him across the river to Norton's (which made everyone cry) at 7:45 and set him up in this deluxe room with constant monitoring and sweet nurses that instantly fell in love with him (of course.) Callie was super chill and hung out until they decided to weigh her and evaluate her. They did do x-rays of her lungs to check for fluid as they found that was part of Miles' problem- she was cleared and weighed 7 lbs, 2 oz and 20 in long. Later, we were told Miles weighed 7 lbs 7 oz. So the reverse of the prediction from the ultrasound technician. Healthy size babies, right?

Sooo, I am still waiting to cuddle my guy Miles- it sucks. Callie is more than a little snuggle bug though, filling in for two babies. She is nursing like a champ, bossing nurses around like another little certain, someone I know... and looks very similar to big sis!
I am watching Miles on a live camera feed from Norton's- how cool, right? While Matt is running back and forth from Floyd to Norton's to check on everyone and update me on things concerning Miles. Currently, his breathing tube has been removed, he's getting a little bit of oxygen to keep him breathing at a regular rate but he is doing it all on his own! We are hoping to be discharged from the hospital soon so we can head over to there and see him. There is a possibility that he could be discharged before me, so that would be awesome too. Callie will be ready to roll before any of us, so no worries there. I am trying to take it slow- we all know how that goes though and I pushed way too hard Thursday and regretted it... so back to taking it way easy.
I am a little bummed to miss out on some fun activities that I had planned with Lucy, but thankful Gran and Beth are taking good care of her! She is convinced that Callie is her "cutie baby" and she needs to hold her the whole time she is here. She is great at being gentle- but is way too confident for a two year old with a newborn. Ha! She wants to get Miles too, but thinks he is at a boy hospital because this is a hospital for girls. Hehe!
I adore her love for "cutie baby" and the way she tells her, "its okay, you're so cute" when she makes her little baby peeping sounds. <3
This is bro/sis FaceTiming session. Matt is able to video chat with me from Norton's- which is helpful.
We are more than ready to be together!! (And also get home of course!) They are almost too cute to handle, but who would've thought any different, right?