I am busy, busy with appointments and as we move along- there are about to be so many more! :)
I visited a new doctor over spring break to get some specialist advice on the placenta previa. Longest ultrasound evvvvver. I was seriously getting nauseous after an hour of laying around. Strange to be so worn out from doing nothing and trying not to move. The ultrasound tech was fun and got a bazillion pictures from toes to heart valves. The babies are right on track. At that appointment baby girl was weighing at 1 lb 2 oz and baby boy was weighing 1 lb 3 oz. More good news! The placenta has already started moving away from the cervix and he reported NO CONCERNS to my doctor here in New Albany. He does want to see me one more time to document the growth of the babies, but is not concerned about me, yea!! There were also zero red flags or concerns about the babies, but he wants to see them grow- I mean, who doesn't right?!?
Today I saw Dr. Lewis and checked on the babies with another ultrasound. It was much quicker and heartbeats are still strong. Baby boy's was 156 and Baby girl's was 149. I did have to have a conversation about an "episode" I had last week. Apparently, its totally normal and no cause for concern to just about pass out in the middle of the day. Luckily, I sat down as soon as I was feeling woozy and I had the care of a dear friend as my eyes were too heavy to hold open.... and my class didn't even notice because the people I work with are freaking amazing and didn't miss a beat. The whole spell was only about 10 minutes and then I seriously came right back, feeling fine. But I also continued to sit and drink water for about the next hour as my class went to art- so that was helpful I think. Doc is guessing it was blood pressure or blood sugar. (I did call the doctors office after it happened and the nurses said the same thing- basically, monitor and call if it happens again.) It was reassuring that even though I was feeling worn out- I was also feeling jabs and punches all afternoon and evening.
So yea, I can feel them now! "Second" pregnancy and having a party of two in there really accelerated the timeline for feeling movement. It was 24 weeks before I could feel Lucy and it was definitely 22 weeks for these crazies-plus, I can see baby girl from the outside as she punches with her little fists. I did have the ultrasound tech confirm it was baby girl before I blamed anyone, although I suspected it was her all along. Baby boy has more fun jabbing or jumping off my bladder, haha! Also, I'm huge already, so yay! ;)
So actual due date is August 2nd, more realistic guess is July 20-ish for these crazy babies.
We got some super cute profile pictures today, less alien like- more baby like. They are still known as baby a/b or baby boy/girl because well....names are still hard. Technically, we have until we leave the hospital to have a name for them and that might just be our timeline goal....
And Lucy, she gets it! Well kind of, as much as a toddler can. She knows there are two babies in mommy's belly and they are a boy and girl so she will have a brother and a sister. She also will tell you that we haven't named them yet. Haha! She asked me if their mommies put them in my belly and I truthfully told her that the doctor put them there. She made that easy to explain! She knows she will have to be gentle but is excited to tickle their feet. She also let me know that if they say the words wrong to "Twinkle, twinkle" she will tell them how it goes.... so helpful, right? She also knows they won't be here until the splash parks open- we will see how that goes... She likes to swing and bounce her baby dolls in the baby furniture and she's pretty sweet to them, so here's hoping for the best!
The room is ready! Well, as ready as ready can be for now! Waiting on names to finish the decor! I went with an "Adventure" theme-ish for lack of a theme. I love it, so they will have to also! :)