The smooth transfer, the hectic resting period, the two week wait.... this trip is not to be confused with simple or easy. As we waited in the conferencing room at my doctors office (after we delivered chocolate chip cookies) I thought to myself, "I wouldn't wish this kind of anticipation on my worst enemy." Now that I'm writing this...I might actually wish this on the mean FedEx guy from the previous blog post.
So, sitting in the doc's office. We arrived on time for our first test, I peed in a cup, almost overflowed it and suggested to the nurse that they have lids on hand next time as I walked it across the hall to the nurse's station. Then I went back to another office to have my blood drawn. I waited and waited and there was one person in front of me so I waited. And that wait was slightly worse than the driving the car to the doctors office wait. It was the 'try not to throw up, my body is overheating, why am I sweating so much' kind of waits.
One of my nurses walked by while I was waiting my turn and she totally avoided eye contact, so I was convinced the urine test was negative. After the blood draw, I joined Matt in the conference room and waited less then half a second for the doc to swoop in and swing the door closed. She immediately handed me the test and I SAW TWO LINES!! I love that she didn't waste any time- she appreciates my love for efficiency.
So, we hug, we cry, I keep crying and trying to talk. I seriously try to get it together, but you could see the look Dr Krause's like she's going to cry too and she just gets it. She's in the exact right line of work. Then we talk- she says, "You probably remember from last time..." I quickly replied, "I know nothing, tell me everything." I just lost all my knowledge of next steps and expectations. She goes on to explain they will call me later with HCG levels (pregnancy hormone) and then see me again in two days to measure those levels again. We want them to double every few days and then we can set up an ultrasound.
The cool thing (well one of them) is that even though I've only been pregnant for 12 days, I'm four weeks along due to all the hormones, schedules, five day blastocysts and such. So this would be the day that I would miss a period if we had conceived naturally. Most people wouldn't even know they are pregnant yet. And I, I get to have an ultrasound in two weeks and it will be a 6 week ultrasound!
So for now, I keep doing the estrogen three times a day, keep doing the progesterone injections nightly, keep buying those estrogen patches- basically keep everything the same because it's working!
Turns out, those signs and symptoms I was explaining with logic really were pregnancy symptoms!!
Also, my nurse that avoided eye contact KNEW the results, was trying not to ruin the surprise because she had been crying happy tears for us and didn't want me to see her crying. :) And the rest of the staff, no joke, everyone who works at Fertility and Endocrine came out to hug and love on us. They are the BEST.
So thank you!!! All the well wishes, prayers, thoughts, happy vibes!! Just keep ‘em coming!! We are cautiously optimistic. Extremely happy but always waiting for the next check up.
Just a few needles, no big deal.
And a goofy Lucy pic, because this is how I feel. Giddy!
By the way, she has no clue. And she doesn't need to. We have been focused on potty training over Thanksgiving break and she's basically rocking it now. She is constantly singing and dancing and eating marshmallows. She will tell you all about the friends that she makes up- Eggy Veit, Etcher, Asa- yea, we have no clue where she gets these names. She helps empty the dishwasher and throws a little fit if you fold clothes without her. She's turning out to be much more helpful than I envisioned a two year old being. Her current job is turning on the Christmas lights and she takes it very seriously. She's still singing Happy Birthday every night... but more often these days we sing "Happy Birthday to Sooooooomebody, happy birthday to you!" because she understands everyone has a birthday but we don't know whose birthday it is everyday. She's the best.