I use to think people were being silly when they would say their kid was 23 months instead of just rounding up and saying two. Like, why would mere months matter? Why not just say one instead of 18 months.
GUYS! I get it!!! I soon get it. So 18 months is different than one and 23 months is different than two. So many milestones, so many new discoveries. When Lucy is two, she won't be a baby (not that she's been a baby since she was 13 months, but stillllllll). She is so ready and I am too....along as she still says things like, "I'm a don't, Sucy Tafrin B-watcher, mingos and silly doose." She often tells us she works at PSS (UPS) and works on her "puter" to do her job. <3 The problem is, she is now saying things like, "Hold me" instead of "hold jou" and it breaks our hearts just a smidge.
She is unstoppable. I know she's a little wild... she will tackle other toddlers with hugs without hesitation. She's also the friendliest little thing you've ever met. She is willing to talk to strangers unless they are mascot characters at the ball game (she waves but that's it). Mondays are gross to her but she loves Fridays. She loves all the top toddler songs but Happy Birthday is still #1 on her list. We still haven't found a food she won't eat. Going back to school was/is tough but the way she asks if she can "Puhwease go to Du-rans house" every morning makes my day easier.
She will ask 100 "member?" questions a day! Member beach? Member ocean? Member the pirates? Member Brody? Member (any name of anyone she's EVER met)??
Next month is BIRTHDAY MONTH! So it's sure to be exciting!! Then on to Halloween and fall celebrations, and all the winter and Christmas excitement with a toddler that kind of, almost knows what it going on! :)
Check out the "Conversations with Lucy" videos. They are sure to make you smile. :)
As for me, I'm good. We're about to get into the busiest of exciting seasons and we are always on the go! I am back at Fitcamp twice a week and doing diets cleverly disguised as "challenges." I am taking care of me, but also punishing my body for failing me (yes, I know- I should be forgiving and love my body and all that nice, happy stuff but c'mon, they are my feelings). We are making no plans. Unfortunately, no plans means putting off signing up for National Board Certification too. I had this wonderful plan of being pregnant, doing my National Board certification while taking a year off of my PTO, Student Council, Yearbook, Basketball Coach, Math Teacher Leader, etc.... volunteer activities. We planned on spending money on National Boards because I would already be pregnant...... so now, I can't spend that money if I think that maybe, maybe that money would be needed for IVF. That is IF we do it again, because I honestly don't know and we are not ready to make that decision, much less make a plan to go with that decision.
It doesn't help when you get the reoccurring embryo storage bill as you are still grieving the failure of a transfer.... more money and more decisions. All the reminders are there, the pharmacy calling to tell me my prescriptions are ready because we had them on autofill, the doctor calling to see if we were ready to try again and the news stories of babies not being taken care of. It will get better and the heartbreak will lessen. Until then, I will cry when I need to and I will work out with a goal of feeling it in the morning.
Lucy is about to turn TWO and THAT is a celebration we are eternally grateful for! Let's party! :)
So wish us well, and enjoy our Lucy with us! We are living life! <3