Wednesday, August 30, 2017

And the countdown begins!!!

Ahhhh!! The countdown to Lucy turning ONE!! How can it be, right? 

Yep, this baby is going to turn one on September 15.... 

  Turns out, 11 months is the new 3 years, ha! This girl has a plan, she just can't tell us in English. She always seems to be accomplishing something. She is climbing, crawling, scooting and chasing all over the place- we just know she will be walking any minute now!  She's telling us what she likes and dislikes and sometimes we understand. She's a lovey little snuggler when she wants to slow down.  She mimics our words and sounds and I swear she says, "Hold on." HA! 
She is as fearless as ever and continues to push her strength and limits. 

 Flash back to September of last year! 

Dinner with cousins! 
 We've survived her first bruised nose, first busted lip and currently surviving her first ear ache. :( 
She's been to the drive-in, although not her first time... she's visited Slate Run Temporary about a million times.... and she visited the Slugger Bat Museum for the first time! She heard all about the eclipse, but I'm pretty sure she was napping.  :) She loves all things to do with noise and action. Kids are her favorite audience but she will show off for just about anyone who will acknowledge her. She's visited hot air balloons and she rode the carousal at Sellersburg Celebrates! She seemed to love it! 

Sadness with her sadness doll.
 Learning her Conscious Discipline breathing techniques.

 Wild Child loved the hot air balloons!!
So big! 

Excited to keep living this adventure! 

#ThinkPositive #LovelyLittleLucy