Monday, July 24, 2017

Ten months..oh my!

I don't want summer vacation to end.
There I said it. 
I love, love, love it. So I figured out a solution, a couple actually! My second graders can just come to my house this year! They will love it! I'll even make lunch for everyone and the flexible seating is already in place. :) Orrrr, I can just bring Lucy to school! Her pack and play won't take up much room and she can nap during guided reading groups and our special area classes. There, problem solved.

It's just that this summer has been AAAA-Mazing. We have been to Florida, Ohio, and Tennessee. We've seen fireworks, attended baseball games, visited the zoo and been swimming more times than I can count. We've been able to catch up with friends, visit family and have quality time with just us too. I also got time to catch up on school business and TV series too because Lucy has been an excellent napper. Hehe! 

I've also been collecting ideas and supplies for her birthday party so I could have it together before school starts. YAY! 

So our girl...loves adventure, is fearless in the most fun way and loves everyone. Taking her out to dinner is like going to a meeting of her fan club. She waves and says, "Hiiiiiii" until she gets a smile. Our trips to the grocery are more like a Lucy parade and we just smile and embrace it. She also likes to get EVERYTHING out. Out of baskets, out of drawers, out of buckets, off tables, etc. 

She's a sweet little love bug who kisses your face off, just watch out for her 7- almost 8 teeth!! She's also up and walking with her walker, so any day now we will be chasing her around. 

We went to Ohio for our family reunion on my mom's side of the family and I did not get enough photos!! Arrrggg. We just got back from a weekend with the Cureton side of the family and I got more! (Fast learner here, ha!) We went to Gatlinburg and had an amazing time meeting and getting to know our Cureton cousins and oh how they loved this girl!! 

So, I may have to change the background on my school computer to her sweet face and share videos of her being cute with my students... but we will make it! Gran is more than ready to take over for me during the day so everything is going to be okay.Yay for an awesome summer and I'm looking forward to an awesome school year! (And making plans for fall break, haha!!)

#ThinkPositive #LovelyLittleLucy