Living every day to the fullest is what we do. Not a single moment gets taken for granted and we know Lucy is growing and learning just right, so yes- she is getting big, but no- it didn't go by too fast. ;)
We have been so busy with the end of the school year (packing up a classroom and celebrating the year take a lot out of ya!) and now that Lucy is on the move, she is tough to catch in photos unless she concentrating on her new discovery.
I've missed a couple of blog posts but I have been keeping up on Instagram and Facebook (and the baby book, go me!). I want to keep this going as a scrapbook type memory keeper for Lucy, so here I am. :)
Current stats on our girl:
22 lbs, 4 oz- 28 1/2 inches
She has SIX teeth- the better to chomp with!
She's crawling with speed and pulling up on anything she can reach. She also stood on her own but for a very short time.
If she can reach it, she will grab it! This includes your have been warned.
Food- she loves it. All of it. Any place, any time. Yours, hers, mine, theirs- it doesn't really matter.
Which is why she's wearing 12 month/18 month clothes. <3
She is talking! She says Dada and bye bye and associates words with objects/actions.
She can clap her hands, wave hi and bye, give high fives, and pulls this darling sweet face if you ask her to show you "Cute face." Melts even the coldest of hearts. (I'll try to upload a video)
She loves an audience, a good nap and chewing on books.
She had her first nebulizer treatment after getting a chest cold and hated it. I sang Itsy Bitsy Spider on repeat to keep her from fighting me. So then she ended up taking steroids for a few days- that was fun. She went from 'sweet baby' to 'search and destroy' and was talking in her sleep. After 3 days, no more cough/snot and back to sweet baby Lucy.
While on vacation, she attended 3 baseball games, explored the beach and pool, and got a nice little tan.
She conquered the car ride from Clearwater, Florida to New Albany (almost 16 hours with all the stops) so she's pretty much unstoppable. If you haven't seen the explosion of vacation pics on Facebook, they are worth checking out.
Matt got to celebrate his first Father's Day, which was so sweet. He's had her in Braves, Blue Jays and Predators gear at every sporting event. She adores him and they love to wrestle and get crazy.
And... AHH! It's a shark! - Also, a favorite party trick.
We just had her 9 month check up today and all is perfect. On the way out, another mom stopped us and said, you don't know me but I've followed your story (and we turns out we frequently visit where she works) and I just want to tell you congratulations and what a blessing you have- she is beautiful. I guess I was caught off guard, I didn't even ask her name!! But just know, I almost cried on the way to the car. Thank you so much for following our journey and adventures and spread the word if you think we can be of some help to others. I'm keeping that moment in my memories forever.
#ThinkPositive #LifeOfLucy #IVFisAwesome