Sunday, March 27, 2016

You've been waiting so patiently....

Our announcement is ready for the internet!
It has been one of the toughest secrets to keep (even though we've only had to keep it for a week and 5 days) and we may have been spilling the beans along the way.......
Here we gooooo!!!

Annnnd for our finale, we had a dear friend help us out....
David Nail is on #TeamBratcher.
#Fighter #ThinkPositive

If you don't already know David Nail (you might not know me...) he is a singer/songwriter/musician that these Bratchers adore. We discovered him in 2010 and we love his music. We've been to most of his shows in the area and have met and talked to him several times. He and his wife dealt with infertility for four years before having twins this past December. He knows the struggle. He was an absolute dear and was so happy for us when we asked if he could help with our announcement. His newest album, which is in progress, will feature a song he wrote called "Fighter." The song is about his wife and the struggles they survived. It goes without saying that I cried through the whole song when he played it that night (Sorry I told you not to look at me Lyndsay!) They were pregnancy induced tears- that's my story and I'm sticking to it. 

She wasn't uncooperative for the ultrasound, but it was tough to get a great picture. I cannot say enough about the AWESOME ultrasound tech though! She was fantastic, patient and so easy going. She printed about 12 pictures, walked us through what we were seeing, created a DVD and even showed us some 3-D images. It was amazing!
And yes, we have a name picked out and will be sharing shortly! We have our 20 week appointment mid-April and should be able to get a better look at this sweet girl! <3

Monday, March 14, 2016

15 weeks, what's your vote?

     Short update today! I met my doctor today and she seems pretty awesome. She carefully answered all my questions and even ordered some blood work to be done to see if we can figure out what these pesky, constant hives are all about! -Big thanks to Kim for the idea to use lavender and to Taylor for getting me essential oils to soothe my crazy skin!And to my momma for the lotion! I am a lucky girl! So much love and caring from my friends! 
So it was another not-so-exciting  appointment... (That I'll gladly take as long as we're healthy!) We ran through all the regular questions, then I got to hear the heartbeat again. The doctor reported it as between 150 & 160. It was a good, strong, healthy heartbeat. <3

Hopefully..... We will get to some exciting news tomorrow. I have another appointment tomorrow afternoon and we are doing the EARLY gender ultrasound. More than anything I want to see that sweet baby that I haven't seen since 11 weeks. It's going to be super exciting if we also get to know if we're having a girl or boy!!! 
I honestly have no idea/feeling/dream of what it could be! We are so excited about this adventure that we do not have an ounce of preference either way. We have a room for each, a theme, and we're working on names.... Either way, we really want to know! Send some positive thoughts our way for a cooperative baby tomorrow! 

What do you think though? We won't reveal immediately, but we are not good at keeping secrets! We will be sharing the news soon- as long as we get to find out! 
(And no possibility for more than one, we only used 1 embryo so it would've been a 1% chance of twinsπŸ˜‰) 

Let us know your vote! πŸ’™ Or πŸ’—??