We are "oh so excited" to have gotten to 13 weeks with a healthy heartbeat of 163! That was the coolest part of the appointment.... Besides that, we did not get an ultrasound (these pictures are from last appointment). We basically went over the history of my IVF schedule and everything that has already happened. We haven't seen the doctor yet, but we got familiar with the nurse practitioner (who used an app on her iPhone to calculate the due date.) I am hoping our doctors appointment in the next two weeks will be awesome. It wasn't a bad appointment, just less exciting than I built it up to be in my mind.
I just have to say...man, our specialist, Dr. Krause, spoiled us. We were going every two weeks, getting ultrasounds every visit and scheduling appointments around our jobs...well that seems to have ended. 
The next appointment we have, I will be in the second trimester!! Crazy, right?!?! We are hoping to wait a few weeks and then get an early gender ultrasound... we will see how it goes.
Here's a collage of the ultrasounds so far, from the embryo that we transferred to six and a half, eight and a half and then eleven weeks.
Just enjoying the journey! Looking forward to September!
If you have a "Think Positive" shirt and think about it, snap a picture and I will get a collage together!
Love, love, love!