We are so excited to celebrate the holidays with little Miss Lucy! We have her Thanksgiving outfit ready and her Christmas P.J.s picked out. The tree is up- this is the earliest we have ever decorated but we were so excited!
Everyone always says, "They grow so fast!" Well...Lucy is growing exactly as fast as she should! She continues to eat well, sleep well and smile so much. She is now 12 lbs. 12.5 oz and 24 inches long. She is stretching out her footie P.J.s that we are starting to pack up and put away. :(
I am back to work and life is just fine! My students were excited to have me back which made the transition easier. I also had a fabulous guest teacher for my leave so my class did not miss a beat while I was gone. Being gone during the day is hard. It just is. I miss the cuddles and the unlimited attention I could give Lucy, but I am also proud of myself for helping to provide for our family, serving the future of our community and being an example of a working momma. I know she is in the best hands while she is with Gran and that gives me peace. It also makes the weekends that much sweeter. I just kiss her face a million times more when we are together.
I learned quickly that leaving when she is asleep is 1,000 times easier than leaving when she is smiling and talking to me.
It also helps that she will drink from a bottle.....because there was a week when she preferred screaming her face off instead of taking a bottle from anyone. She had already been drinking from the bottle for 3 or 4 weeks. We tried different bottles/nipples, different people, temperatures, times of day, me out of the house, me in the same room, etc. It was rough. It was also 2 weeks before I went back to school so I was slightly concerned she would starve to death (not really, but ugh). After a week of worry and screaming unless I nursed her, my mom (Gran) tried again with the Nuk brand bottles and that crazy baby fought it for a bit and then decided it was okay. She will now take the bottle like a little piggy and burps like a man. I am not going to lie, she wasn't the only one who cried that week.

The best part of going back to work is seeing my friends everyday. I work with the BEST people in the world that are always looking out for me and they checked on me all week...and continue to do so. <3 Love to my friends that text and called me, I love you!
After her 2 month shots, she was a great patient! |