Saturday, November 28, 2015

The beginning of something beautiful.

We are officially started on the journey of IVF!

I went to my first IVF appointment for a baseline ultrasound and blood work on Friday (11/27). I used to be nervous around needles, like on the verge of hyperventilating, cried until I was 20, "I can't look!" kind of nervous.  Yesterday, I never even flinched! I am unstoppable now. ;) 
I was so excited to get the green light to get started! My ovaries were "quiet" and my estrogen levels were low enough to begin. I was also able to ask a thousand (14 really) questions I had added to my list and talk about my upcoming appointments. I'll be visiting the office twice a week to ensure my ovaries are producing the right amount of eggs and not too many. 
My doctor was almost equally excited about us doing IVF. I couldn't help but tell her the story of how this became possible. I teared up as I shared the encouragement and support Matt and I were showered with after sharing our story. <3

Although I didn't go shopping on Black Friday, the transaction I made at the doctors office proves to be the most expensive day of the year. My heart is still bursting with joy that friends and family made this possible. We love you!

So last night, I started the injections.(adorable case, right?) I went into a spare bedroom, set up my station and after 10 seconds I was done! Then we went bowling and I won a game! 
I'm telling you, I'm unstoppable. 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

We've got this!

     The support from my "village" has been more than anyone could ever imagine! I went to my first appointment this week, which was a class to teach me to give myself the injections and a tour of the Louisville Reproductive Center. I should have known I was going to have to prove myself before I left but it was a surprise to me that after watching and learning I had to give myself an injection before I could leave. It seemed scary but really, the needle is tiny and I only cried a little teardrop of RELIEF when I had conquered that shot! My nurse was a dear and she was sure right when she said, "Don't you feel better now that you know you can do it by yourself?" YES. YES. YES. I've got this.
     The medications and procedures were explained. My calendar was assigned and color coded, my program is planned. I'm just so excited to have this new plan!!! I've got this.  

     I went ahead and told my school family my story and struggle, if they hadn't seen it on Facebook yet. It came as somewhat of a warning.... like be prepared if I act like a crazy person. All I can say is-lucky me. The reaction was like a great big hug. Orders of bracelets and t-shirts came flying my way! Also, my tutoring schedule has been FILLED.  Everyone has my back and everyone has offered to help and support me and Matt on this adventure. My friends offered stories of support, words of encouragement and offers of help at school.  One friend let me know that I will feel crazy when I start injections and that it's okay because I will be crazy. Another friend comforted me with "everyone that is pregnant gets overly emotional!" I even had a student's parent offer to bring me drinks and treats! My school family is the best, absolutely the best. I cannot wait to introduce a baby to this world of love and support that I live in. (Awww, a baby gator! ๐ŸŠ)


    My next appointment is the day after Thanksgiving and that will be the day I start my shots. Keep my in your thoughts and wish me well! I've got this, right? :) 

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Friday, November 13, 2015

This just got more real.

My medicine was delivered today. Talk about intimidating.... 
The schedule of injections is intense and I'm so excited about getting started! 
My first instinct was to put my supplies in a cute basket. Much less scary. :) 

I also wanted to share some awesome support I've received. Last year, one of my teaching partners was the ever amazing, Megan Bliss. Megan only knew a few details about my situation but she knew I was going through some tough times. 
I had to miss a half day of school for a procedure and without going into any details with my students, she made a video for me. Needless to say, I cried because it touched my heart and made me so happy! 
Here is the link, it's from last year but I will continue to watch it when I get overwhelmed. I'm lucky to have you, Megan!! <3 

Here is the link! 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Love made this possible.

    As I recover from the shock, surprise, and overwhelming amount of support I can honestly say asking for help might've been the hardest move for me-but it was the right move. It's been unbelievable to hear and read the support from everyone. I cannot express our appreciation enough! I know we've got the BEST support system and that's what we need!

I was able to call my doctor and set up appointments to learn how to give myself injections and for a baseline ultrasound and blood work analysis.
I've even gotten my calendar of medications along with appointments! My doctor sure is efficient! I've also received my calendar for procedures and medications. 
I received a call from the speciality pharmacy with my doctors orders. I wanted to check just to be sure that insurance wouldn't help cover the cost of medications. So out of the eight names of medications, insurance helped with exactly zero, it was worth a try, right? 
So medications are ordered, appointments are made. This. Is. Real. 

I'll be posting updates as we continue on this adventure!!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

We had a plan.

We had a plan. 

Matt and I were excited about the idea of having children before we even got married. We had a plan, we would buy a house or I would obtain my Master’s degree-whichever came first and then we would be ready for children. After being married for three years, August 2013 came and we became home owners! It was “go time.” We had a plan. We discussed our plan with my doctor and we were ready to go. 

Time passed with no results so we consulted my doctor. There were medications we could try, so we did. May 2014 came around and I graduated with my Master’s degree in education. We thought, maybe it was stress. Still no positive results. In October 2014, we needed a new plan because the medication was not working. We began seeing a specialist at Fertility and Endocrine Associates. There were different medications we could try, so we had a new plan. Our plan now consisted of medications, shots, hospital procedures and surgeries we could try, so we did.

In April 2015, the plan worked! After the emotional toll, the financial strain and hard work, we were pregnant! Our bliss only lasted eight and a half short weeks. The worst day of our life was May 28. There was no plan for a heartbreak like this. 

After another surgery and a cell analysis we learned the miscarriage was a chromosomal defect that we could do nothing about (neither of us were carriers) and it had no relation to the fertility problems we were having. We started medication and shots again. This rounded out our six tries of the suggested plan. Another negative test result

Procedures, shots, medications and surgeries cost money and insurance paid very little. In July 2015, Matt got a second job cleaning dialysis centers and I got a second job at an ice cream shop. At least we had a plan.

The ice cream shop closed  without warning after I worked there for less than three months. My next venture is currently in progress, I tutor students outside of school. (I still have openings!) The only plan we had was to pay off the balances with the doctors and the hospitals.  We stopped using medication. We worked really hard and dreamed of that “As soon as we stopped trying, we got pregnant” storybook ending to our strife.  We had no such luck.

Our hearts stayed broken. We visited our specialist on October 28th 2015 and were presented the option of a new plan. We cannot make this plan happen on our own. Although we have paid the hospital and doctor bills, we spent our savings to do it. Our next option is using invitro fertilization (IVF) to get pregnant. IVF costs at least $15, 000.00 and our paychecks-even with tutoring after work, cannot handle this abrupt cost.  To begin the process of IVF, we must have $10,123 to start treatment.
That does not include the $2,000 to $3,000 for the medication and injections to prepare my body for the embryo transfer. We are hard workers, if it was possible to work for this sum within a time frame to make it a possibility, we would do it. We’ve sold several things and cut back on everything. We are also terrible at asking for help. This is causing physical pain admitting we can’t do this alone. 

In an effort to raise money to make IVF a possibility, we are making and selling fleece blankets, embroidery floss bracelets and fundraising t-shirts. Every cent of sales will be used for our IVF fund that we will also be contributing to with money from tutoring and saving.

Any donation is welcome, just know that we appreciate it more than words can describe. Here is the link to our page.

The blankets are $30.00 with your choice of many prints and colors. Bracelets are $3.00- $5.00 with your choice of color and charm. T-shirts are $15, just let me know what size and how many! T-shirts are being provided by Kratz at a discount rate with all profits going to our fund for IVF. 

The good news is, my doctor has shared that because I am young and have gotten pregnant on my own, conceiving in one round of IVF is not guaranteed but my chances are high. 

After over two years of plans not working out and giving it all we’ve got, we need your help for a better chance of growing our family and having a baby.