Monday, July 22, 2024

Summer ‘24

     We all know time flies when everyone is growing at a record rate and there’s no getting around it over here. The kids grew up on me this summer. They’ve happily kept up with my summer vibe of going til we can’t go anymore.

We celebrated Rowan’s birthday in May and Miles and Callie in July! We are right in the heart of Bratcher Birthday Season! ♥️

We have been busy and that’s an understatement. I haven’t written since December and that’s ok. We were living life and trying to get by and I was not inspired to write it down. I should have- I’m just always encouraging myself to think positive and be positive and well- I enjoy a good highlight reel. ;)

November brought big changes and it was a lot of work to keep up with the holiday season and four kiddos. We got through the hustle and the bustle with smiling faces and happy kids. Basketball season for Lucy while I got to coach- just the best. We made lovely memories and kept our heads above water. 

The new year was uninspiring but 2024 is halfway through and that seems wild. Spring brought stress but also softball- which for our family, was such a blast! Lucy led the way and we trailed behind, cheering the whole time. It was such a joy to be around other cheering families and hang out with families that were excited being extra. Being outside will always lift my spirits! 

It’s SUMMER BREAK now and we are living our best lives. I lead the way on fun activities and way less stress. We make our own schedule, we keep playgrounds on our mind, we wear ourselves out and crash at night with sun-kissed cheeks! We’ve been to every pool/splash pad around, fulfilled swim lessons, went to forests to explore and used our cultural pass like a map! We got a puppy and since we didn’t travel this summer- it was perfect timing. Oakley has been super fun and we love him dearly. We’ve taken advantage of every free activity around town and had a blast at each one. Summer is so magical. 

This summer, the kids aren’t babies. Not that Lucy ever was or that Miles and Callie would be okay with EVER being called that- so Rowan is not a baby anymore. Sometimes they nap, sometimes they don’t (although Rowan mostly needs to nap). We can stay places longer and that’s a game changer. No one is wearing diapers!!! That’s a big deal. We no longer have a high chair or booster seat at our dining room table- which breaks this momma’s heart a little. Lucy does slides at every water park now and Callie rides every roller coaster that she’s tall enough for. Miles thinks he’s big stuff since he got to show Rowan what summer camp was all about. And Rowan… is too big for his britches and wilder than any of them. He is really, really funny though. No one believes he’s a fresh three year with a vocabulary like his- and he doesn’t know a stranger so get ready to hear his stories and I’ll encourage him to leave you alone. ๐Ÿ˜† 

We are getting ready to start school next week that comes with more change that I keep telling myself we are READY for. I’ll be gearing up for my 14th year? Shew, a milestone that ought to be celebrated-maybe next year. All at Slate Run, too. Wow….

Lucy will be headed to Mt Tabor and is so excited to join her buddies over there. We’re hoping she gets to ride to school with me and rides the shuttle over to Mt Tabor. Miles and Callie are going to Pre-K at the familiar Lafayette Academy and Row will be at Gran’s Academy ๐Ÿ˜‰ using his one more year to be little (although his teacher at camp said he’d be ready ๐Ÿ˜ข). It’ll be different but we are ready! The school supplies are packed and everyone’s got new shoes, so bring it on! 

I’m looking forward to schedules and adding to that schedule with the position of director of 1st/2nd Floyd County Elementary Basketball in the Fall & Winter. ๐Ÿ™Œ Before basketball comes soccer though with 3 of the 4 Bratcher kids lacing up their cleats! We have lots to look forward to and lots to learn. 

Thursday, December 28, 2023

December Highlights!!

Every day is exciting and we decorate that excitement in December!!